Dear Customers,
We at Doyles Garden Machinery are regarded as an essential service, meaning our shop will remain open, normal business hours
Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm
Saturdays 9am to 3pm
Closed Sundays and Bank Holidays
To ensure the health of our staff and customers, we are undertaking the below steps:
If possible please call the shop on 053 9124707 or email: with your order so it can be processed and ready for collection. Please be patient as phone line may be busy.
If possible please pay for your goods over the phone with your card.
When calling to and in store:
We are limiting the number of customers in the store to 2 at a time.
You may be asked to wait outside.
Mask must be worn in store
Please use Sanitizer provided, upon entry
Please keep your distance from other customers that may be waiting.
Please keep your distance from the customer in front of you in Store and at the till.
Contactless transactions are advised whenever possible
Once you are finished please do not stay around to chat.
As you appreciate this is a difficult time for both customers and staff. We ask that you adhere to any guidelines or procedures we have implemented here in order to protect our staff and our customers.
You can also view and order products on our website
Thank you for your co operation during this time.
We would like to take this opportunity for your continuous custom and support through this difficult time
Stay Safe
Brian and Stella